St Mark's Mansfield

Church Without Walls

Church Without Walls

‘Over the years God has given us the gift of families who have transformed our worshipping community and been nurtured here.

We feel the need to do more to engage with families in order to provide opportunities for their spiritual and mental flourishing and so we can be blessed by sharing that journey with them.’

Church Without Walls (CWW) is an extension of Partnership for Missional Church – a course which some members of the congregation at St. Mark’s have been attending over several years. In addition to the PMC statement above our aim is “to melt the walls of our church” by offering hospitality to, and receiving from, our neighbours in the parish – thus enriching our worship and engaging with our local community.

Outreach and mission are important and firm contacts have been made with our local schools – High Oakham and Sutton Road Primary – as well as with Framework and the local football ground. St. Mark’s Toddler Group also helps to maintain contacts with our local families whilst our Community Garden provides a ‘soft edge’ to our outwardly forbidding church walls – a place where people can meet, share and grow together.

Membership of the group is open to all and anyone who would like to be involved or offer ideas should talk to Fr James or David Ince.




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