St Mark's Mansfield

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Snake’s head fritillary

WP_20180415_09_05_43_ProAgainst the backdrop of the warm stone church wall, this tableau appears like a small miracle each year in April.

Fritillaria meleagris is a Eurasian species of flowering plant in the lily family.   Its common names include snake’s head fritillary, snake’s head (the original English name), chess flower, frog-cup, guinea-hen flower, leper lily (because its shape resembled the bell once carried by lepers), Lazarus bell, chequered daffodil, drooping tulip or, in northern Europe, simply fritillary.   What a star!

Why not take a walk around the front of the church and see what’s coming up through the grass?   There’s never a dull moment – it’s like a stage where the players are constantly changing.   Don’t miss the show – it doesn’t cost a thing!